Friday, August 3, 2007

Thing #23--The Final Frontier

This was an adventure into the known and unknown realms of computer technology for an older, but fearless participant. The ease of blogging, but also the complexities that are possible, surprised me a bit. The fun of creating an avatar, animation of that avatar and viewing You-tube videos were important elements to keep the program interesting. Listening to pod-casts, my blogline account, and how to share photos using Flickr are some technologies that I plan to use in the future on a more regular basis.
My fear of technology was further lessened by participating in this program. Willingness to experiment with new things is the key to 23 Things.
I'm not convinced that books in the flesh will ever be obsolete. Libraries will evolve and adapt along with their staff to utilize the technologies available and those technologies the patrons demand.
I would be interested in another program such as this. Exposure to what is going on out there beyond the safety of my little world is always a welcoming learning experience.


Thing #21--Podcasts

Some really interesting podcasts are out there. I was under the impression
they were video only, and I don't understand where that idea came from.
NPR "Story of the Day" and "Science Friday Podcasts" were 2 RSS feeds I subscribed
from and "Common Sense with Dan Carlin" from
Searched on yahoo, subscribed and it loaded to my yahoo account, which is fine.
Went to Merlin and looked at the podcasts at several library sites.
I really like the audio with the text of the children's stories, and the children stories with automatic page turning. These are very nice technology tools, but a child sitting on a parent's lap
is the best way to turn a page.
Sharing the night with an author was a nice service by Kankakee Public Library.
Patrons, such as our Book Buddies that cannot physically access the library, would
really enjoy these, as well as patrons that could not attend for whatever reason.
I know that colleges are starting to use podcasting for students to access lectures
after the actual lecture has occurred. This is really good for students to review areas
that their notes may not be clear (no excuse for a failing grade!!).
Well....that's all that I have to say about that..!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thing #22 Audio-books on-line

I love to listen to audio books, but going through all the hastle of doing it on-line just isn't worth it to me...and then the software (or whatever) isn't even compatible with my i-pod!! and check-out for 1 day???

I felt that going thru Project Gutenberg was such a maze with links to .coms where you can buy the materials already downloaded to MP3 discs or CD's. Through the e-library consortium on our library's website, we can use overdrive to download books, video's and music with our valid library barcode and pin, I's just not worth it to of those things that not user-friendly to me anyway.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Thing #19 Awards!!

Of course, I went to the Begreen site. It has a calculator that you can use to figure out how many metric tons of CO2 you put in the air. This might be an enlightening thing for EVERYONE TO DO!!

My family residence is below national average, but the national average is much higher than it needs to be....and I did not add our big cheated. I planted about 15 trees this year and we cut our mowing area by over 75% and we do not mow but maybe once a month.

This site has all kinds of tips to lessen your carbon footprint. Wish we could choose Green Mountain Energy!!